Humans of HOEM Part 4: An Interview with Mario

Hi HOEMies! We hope you’re enjoying our Humans of HOEM series so far. If you haven't had a chance to read our last post, you can check it out here!

Today’s interview features Mario, a 2nd year student pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management at Ryerson University!  Mario is into fashion, thrifting, anime and exploring the city during his spare time. If you have a thrift store or anime recommendation, leave it in the comments below!

Now, lets get to the interview:

Nada: What were you most excited about when you decided to live at HOEM? 

Mario: Meeting all kinds of people! And seeing people in elevators and having those awkward moments and stuff. 

Nada: What’s your happiest memory at HOEM?

Mario: Hard to pick one. There was this time when I had a meeting with my RA Lauren, I was new and didn’t know stuff and she kind of explained everything. It made me excited to start the school year and meet people.

Nada: Did you meet anyone you’d consider a friend at HOEM? And how did you meet them?

Mario: Yeah, a couple! Making friends during COVID is kind of like a job. I think one day I was bored and I was just going to random floors and I went to the 19th floor. I saw [some people] playing FIFA - I’m pretty good at it but hadn’t played in a while. So I sat down and watched and they were nice and asked me to play and [with that], I made two friends!

Nada: What’s your favourite way to spend your free time at HOEM?

Mario: I watch Anime a lot. Listen to music...

Nada: What’s your biggest hope/goal that you have for the next year?

Mario: To be more open. When I first came, I was in my room a lot and it was winter and sad. I want to be more myself and more outside and meet more people. 

Nada: Who are you inspired by?

Mario: Not to sound narcissistic and say no one…I am gonna say no one. I just feel like everyone has their own stuff going on and I am always in my head. Can I say Jesus?

Nada: What’s something you’re really happy about right now?

Mario: I watched this Anime and in the series the main character gets a love interest and I am really happy about their relationship.

Nada: How has it been like living at HOEM during the pandemic?

Mario: It’s been a lot of emotions to be honest. When I came here, I got a really warm welcome. HOEM has done their best to keep me in check. 


Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for the next Humans of HOEM interview as we gear up to welcome our HOEMies for the Fall semester!


Images by: Jordana Petruccelli

Interviewed by: Nada Abbass and Anirudh Muruganand

Transcribed by: Nada Abbass